Friday, January 1, 2010

Introductions all around

I am a messy person. I suppose it could have something to do with my A.D.D., or as I like to call it, "ooh, something shiny" syndrome. Genetics are also working against me -- my father is a borderline hoarder (there may be no 'borderline' about it) and my mother once stashed dirty dishes in her bathtub when readying the house for company.

I don't like being messy. It stresses me out. I'm tired of living in, as FlyLady calls it, CHAOS: Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.

I want to be organized. I buy the bins and the baskets and the books, the labelmakers and the under-bed drawers. I recently bought a well-designed mail sorter at the Franklin Covey store, but my mail still sits in an unopened (and ever growing) pile next to it. My professional organizer friend calls me "an innovator." But it's one thing to research, imagine and set up the systems; it's another thing entirely to have the discipline to continue to use the systems. That's where I fail.

Sometimes I buy all the supplies for the organizing job, then get distracted before even setting it up. And before setting up the system, I (of course) come up with an even better system. Leaving me with even more clutter and more stress.

But no longer.

This year, I'm going to tackle the unhung shelves, the unlabeled bins. I'm going to streamline my belongings and make umpteen trips to the Goodwill donation truck. I'm going to have that weekly family meeting to discuss schedules and meals needed and income/expenses for the week.

This blog is my attempt to stay on track with my goal to have (hence the name) a more organized life in 2010. I need to report to someone -- even if no one is listening, even if my husband is the only reader.

Prepare to be dazzled. :D